Saturday, August 2, 2008


“This is the people’s House,” Rep, Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.) said. This is not Pelosi's politburo".

This is what it has come to. Socialism at its worst. Good job.

So, our (negatively) record setting batch of representatives(?) seems to think that they have earned a five week paid vacation for all of their hard work this year. Can you name something that they have done or a piece of legislation that they have passed?

One comes to mind to me ... the minimum wage increase. Result? Youth employment way down. What business owner wants to invest a greater share of his or her profits in an inexperienced person?

Is this Republican rebellion too little too late to save their rep? Probably. We will see. But the pendulum will swing back toward the Right at some point, and maybe the balls this group of leaders are displaying will bring more Conservative, young leadership out to guide our country.

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