Sunday, February 24, 2008


Obama is at best a Marxist with an influential wife who is hypersensitive about her race and the perceived injustices she believes it has thrust upon her(eventhough they are both millionaires, fully taking advantage of the only country and system which could possibly get them to this position) . Putting those two in the White House conjures up a scenario that causes icy shivers. Furthermore, the cult that has grown around them will become increasingly radical as each day passes. If there was ever a time for unity, determination and political aggressiveness among conservatives, it is now...........................

(Pictured above is a flag in which was hanging in one of BO's offices in Houston).

"GOOGLE" Obama red diaper baby.

While Senator Barack Obama has been touting himself as the candidate for change, one thing he has conveniently not been advertising is his close relationship while growing up with Frank Marshall Davis, a known communist writer and member of the Communist Party USA. In his book, Dreams from My Father, Obama tells of “a poet named Frank” who cautioned the young future senator before he left for college against forgetting his “people” and against “believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that [stuff].” This is the same Frank who, according to Professor Gerald Horne, a contributing editor of Political Affairs, the Communist Party journal, “befriended” the Obama family after moving to Hawaii from Kansas.

Obama followed the ideologies of his mentor, openly attending socialist conferences and brushing elbows with the Democratic Socialists of America. While he vehemently denies being a “hard-core academic Marxist,” his socialist-inspired philosophies often belie that claim.

In January, the communist newspaper People’s Weekly World published a letter from a supporter celebrating Obama’s Iowa caucuses victory as “more than a progressive move; it was a dialectical leap ushering in a qualitatively new era of struggle.” The letter goes on to say, “Marx once compared revolutionary struggle with the work of the mole, who sometimes burrows so far beneath the ground that he leaves no trace of his movement on the surface. This is the old revolutionary ‘mole,’ not only showing his traces on the surface but also breaking through.”

There is an inherent contradiction in seeking to become the next leader of the free world while clinging to Marxist philosophy. Common sense dictates that one who would bear the standard of liberty should embrace its philosophies. Unfortunately, common sense has become rather uncommon in today’s political arena. Had it not, perhaps more scrutiny would be directed toward a certain senator from Illinois who grasps Marxist ideologies with one hand and seeks to lead the United States of America with the other.

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