"As Obama is sworn in, I will be taking the Flag, which has flown in front of my house daily, for years, down.
I may replace it with my “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, I have not decided yet…
But this is no longer the country that I, and 7 Generations of my Ancestors fought for… and it is not the country I hoped to leave my son.
When the supposedly CONSERVATIVE President, goes Socialist… when 50% of the electorate pays no income tax… and when we are putting our children in so much debt that they will never be able to work their way out of it… and when we are no longer willing to enforce our own laws, including the Constitution… and when elections can be so corrupt that you have more votes counted, than voters who signed in that day…
And we elect someone with no experience at anything except running for office… when we have serious problems…
I have sadly come to the conclusion that Democracy is a failed experiment, and our Founding Fathers, who gave us a Republic were absolutely correct when they warned us about the tyranny of the masses.
The rule of law is done in this country… stand by, it may get very very ugly soon."
- Taken comment from HotAir ...
As a 13 generation American, I feel the same. I wanted to post the above words here.
It is interesting how things have shifted to the left over the last so many years.
What is beginning to torment me is the racism and bigotry about Obama. Threats of assassination, etc. etc. Of course, my aggravation could be due to the fact that these same bigots have placed me high on their list. Obama's ideals, and Ted Kennedy's and Hillary Clinton's, are what are killing America. More focus on the policies and less on the actual person.
I was called a bigot recently for stating that I don't like Obama's policies. I asked my "interrogator" to name one other African-American which they would vote for. I got no answer. I, however, began a list (Clarence Thomas, Herman Kaine, Micheal Steele). And I'm the "bigot." Political correctness gone mad - another thing which is killing us.
The more the country slides left, the more it brings the point where it breaks, closer to reality. Look at Kaleefornya. It done. It is in a state of perpetual broken-ness now. The once great economic machine is now a lib cesspool teetering on the edge of destruction. The great west coast liberal experiment is over. It has failed. The system will break and Conservatives will need to be in a position to take our country back.
Schwarzenkennedy(never send a Rino to do an Elephants job)has doomed the state(not just he, but betraying what he knows to be true, this economic downturn has destroyed it.)
This is being repeated on the east coast also. But as a senator from Maryland was just recently quoted:
"It doesn’t matter if Maryland’s broke as long as Obama’s president."
Yes. You read that correctly.
I'm so glad to hear you say that. I think the flag with the 13 stars of the first America may be an appropriate flag to fly. It symbolizes the DOI, the original Constitution, the original nation that represented everything I believed in. But the flag now symbolizes something else. In fact, I can see it burned now with no remorse or feeling of wrong. It's a flag that well deserves to be burned, imo. It's a symbol of tyranny. oppression, godlessness, rebellion against God, socialism, narcissism, pride of life, pride of the flesh, friendship with terrorists, a nation that seeks to be "friends" with Islam (Obama going to a Muslim nation), a nation where a Civilian National Security Force has been threatened, and so awful a twisted false representation of what America was - and is no longer - that the American flag is nothing more than a lie at this point.
America, as we knew her, became terminal November 4, 2008 and dies January 20, 2009.
Burn the flag for all I care.
A new flag is needed. I think the Confederate flag and/or the 13 start flag of the first United States of America are the flags I would fly.
But I'm really glad you posted this and others feel just as I feel.
There are many who express this same sentiment. Many younger fellows I work with, young professionals who would love to excise DC from the country. Divorce the Federal gov in other words. Why not?
Perfect. "Divorce the Federal Government" is how I first expressed it before I learned the term "secession". I think I'll go back to "Divorce the Federal Government" and maybe do a blog on that instead of "Secession" (which I retired). Maybe I'll just do a blog quoting the 10th Amendment and what's going on in the States - because I believe it's going to happen. The MSM doesn't realize that as they "stoke up" the Obamamaniacs... those of us who loved America with passion as she was... are getting more stoked up. They're not going to hold this nation together with their delusions and fantasies 'bout Obama, liberalism, their "new nation", the African racism they are creating, the Islam they are extolling, etc.
We're going to "divorce the federal government". :)
Encouraging word... to remind me of the power of divorce. Thanks for reminding me of the phrase that best described what I felt when I saw this socialism rising. People will understand "divorce" more than they will "secession". It was my first "gut" feeling of what needed to happen. Again, thanks for the reminder of the phrase - cuz it's what needs to happen.
Secession as an action has been twisted and made vulgar by the northern history books(well, the victor gets to write the history, right?)equating it with hate, racism and treason. That is why when I try to discuss this with others, they first appear baffled by the whole concept. Then the treason speak comes out. Its quite fun. I guess it does not occur to them that the colonists did employ secession against a sovereign nation during the first Revolutionary War(the 2nd occurring 1861-1865.)
Then I ask this one question: "Can a man truly be free if shackled to a tyrannical gov?"
It's just a matter of being able to perceive what is tyrannical.
My Betsy Ross flag shall float at half-staff, while my Gadsden flies defiantly on the fateful day.
May God have Mercy upon us all.
Take a firm stance Son3 ... have faith. And defiance of evil is not just limited to flags. :)
I know it isn't limited to flags, it goes far beyond that... bumper-stickers.
Nicely said sir ... I am thinking of printing and stock piling bumper stickers w/this thought: "Don't blame me, I voted for Ron Paul." They should be a top seller around 2012. :)
Go ahead, print 'em!
They should be a top seller, if we still have functioning cars at that time.
Did you hear about the one that says, "Don't blame me, I voted for Jeff Davis"?
BTW, I like your new profile image even better than the one before.
Is it the Star-Spangled Banner? I thought it had 15 stars...
That 13 starred banner, to me, and inspired by poster Grace Explosion, has the 13 "original" represented there. When the Constitution may have been at its most purest and finest. Thanks!
- B9
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