Saturday, December 22, 2007


During the 34 months from the beginning of the violence in September 2000 until the construction of the first continuous segment of the security fence at the end of July 2003, Samaria-based terrorists carried out 73 attacks in which 293 Israelis were killed and 1950 wounded. In the 11 months between the erection of the first segment at the beginning of August 2003 and the end of June 2004, only three attacks were successful, and all three occurred in the first half of 2003.

Since construction of the fence began, the number of attacks has declined by more than 90%. The number of Israelis murdered and wounded has decreased by more than 70% and 85%, respectively, after erection of the fence.


Well, if we use the example of the security fence on Israels border as a point of reference, we see that a physical barrier actually does work. Wow, what a shocker, huh.

The Congress has basically gutted the bill(last week)that would have allowed(mandated)a double layer fence on our SW border with Mexico. This fence would have been based on a similar model as the Israeli fence and would have slowed illegal traffic and all the crime generated by such activity to near zero, just as it has in Israel.

It would seem that DHS and the Feds are not going to act in the interest of the public and spend OUR tax dollars on what the PEOPLE want. Why? Good question. I wonder if it has to do with the now famous Highway planned to be built from Mexico through the Midwest U.S. and finally into Canada? Or possibly it would be a barrier to the joining of U.S./Canada/Mexico into the now fabled North American alliance, a la the EU.? Or it would hinder the lessening of American economic power by not allowing the import of Third world citizens by the millions now, who have no knowledge of our history, like the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Revolutionary War and its implications on freedom, Civil war and its implications on slavery, or just the simple ability to speak English.

Also, don't you think that a very serious and dangerous attack 0n the U.S. could come out of that lawless and un- patrolled desert region of Mexico? It would not have to come in the form of a bomb(dirty or otherwise), but in the form of a biological attack. Inject a hundred border crossers(or a thousand)with smallpox, ebola or whatever virulent nastiness you would like to use and voila!. Dallas, San Antonio, Houston, San Diego, L.A., etc. could come under attack with out a shot fired.

And if the attack was especially nasty and effective, what effect would that have on the citizens of our nation and our liberties all because the Gov refused to act?

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